Abundant Home Life
"Empowering Women Through God's Love"
About me...
To say my life is normal would be far from reality! To say my life is wonderful, would be to say that I am "faking it until I make it". However, I will say, my life offers me much in which to grow, learn, stretch and to become.
I am not perfect! Neither do I have perfect children. They are not always respectful nor have good manners all the time. In fact, for that matter, I don't think my life is idyllic for those looking into my home. I will say though that I amreal! I have real children, a real husband, a real home and Lord only knows I am an imperfect person.
My desire in sharing my life, sweat, laughter, tears, hopes, dreams and fears with you is so I can come beside you and uplift you in your point of need. We are all imperfect beings dealing with other imperfect beings. Because of this, there will be friction in our homes, in our lives and God only knows how much in our own minds.
I want you to know that you ARE normal! All of us go through ups and downs, the good, the bad and the ugly. We all strive for perfection but fail daily. None of us would intentionally be rude to others, yell at our kids, say something unkind to our spouses, etc. However, there are some moments and in some situations where we are human and fall short of the Glory of God. I am in that moment in my life daily.
At this time in my life I have ... one hubby, two boys, three dogs, one cat, 10 "borrowed" cows, twelve acres, chickens (when they live), an ever growing garden, my husband is also a partner in a company with employees, and we have one boy who is special needs. Whew...I get tired just saying it all, much less juggling the whole lot. When I say we have a lot on our plates, I say this with the knowledge that the Lord is continuously providing a way for us to handle it all. I also say this with the full knowledge that if I put my cares, sorrows and desires in with everyone else's, I would probably be tickled pink to get the same ones back out!
I am not perfect. But neither do I know anyone else who is perfect. This website is to help us all become who The Lord wants us to be! Come with me on a journey of self discovery and allow me to hold your hand along the way. Walk with me down a rock path. This path might have some little pebbles that get in between your toes. It could have some rocks that are worn smooth from lots of people walking on them toward their path. It might even have some large boulders in it's path that you need to remove before you can go any further. Whatever your path looks like, START ON IT!